Original unpublished manuscripts, and not currently under review in another journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Artificial Intelligence:
- Artificial intelligence for biomedicine
- Artificial intelligence for microscopy
- Artificial intelligence for photonics
- Artificial intelligence for optical trapping
- Artificial intelligence for soft and active matter
- Neuromorphic computing
- Optical neural networks
- Autonomous robots
- Biological models for artificial intelligence
- Machine learning to study the brain
- Artificial Intelligence for brain connectivity
- Machine-brain interfaces
- Limitations of artificial intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and Databases
- Fuzzy systems, databases and analysis
- Fundamentals in Intelligent Systems and Applications:
- Intelligence by design
- Intelligent distributed systems
- Context-aware intelligent systems
- Symbolic intelligence
- Neuromorphic systems
- Collective intelligence
- Ambient Intelligence
- Cooperative intelligent applications
- Formal ontology and semantics
- Persuasive intelligence
- Bio-inspired intelligence
- Cognitive systems and applications
- Real-time intelligence
- Hybrid artificial intelligent systems
- Heuristic search
- Automated planning
- Adaptive problem solving
- Intelligent Information Processing:
- Intelligent signal processing
- Intelligent data analysis
- Web intelligence
- IoT architecture for intelligent environments
- Intelligent web search engines
- Intelligent natural language systems and applications
- Intelligent information extraction
- Intelligent perception and intelligent machines
- Intelligent agents
- Augmented reality systems
- Spiking neural networks and systems
- Patterns in intelligent applications
- Stability in intelligent systems
- Ethical evaluation of intelligent systems
- Intelligent Communication Networks:
- Cognitive intelligence in vehicular networks
- Guidance systems
- Intelligent health systems
- Indoor special-awareness
- Intelligent systems for software computing
- Sensor-based intelligent systems
- Intelligent systems for wireless applications
- Intelligent transport systems
- Intelligent applications for disaster management
- Intelligence in medical decision applications
- Intelligent forecasting applications
- Intelligent human-computer interaction systems
- Intelligent multimedia
- Intelligent recommenders
- Intelligent security systems and applications
- Intelligent robotics
- Intelligent embedded systems
- RFID and BLE technologies in intelligent systems
- Intelligent sensors and sensing applications
- Mobility intelligence and semantic applications
- Case studies and trials of intelligent solutions
- Internet of Things:
- IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures
- AI for IoT
- Web of Things
- IoT Communication Technologies
- Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in IoT
- Sensing, Signal Processing, Actuation and Analytics
- Security and Privacy in IoT
- Human Interaction with IoT
- Self-adaptation for IoT Systems
- (Software) Interoperability in IoT
- Large-scale Data Processing
- Robotic IoT Systems
- Distributed Ledger Technologies for IoT
- Real-world Applications, Deployments, and Testbeds
- Blockchain in the IoT
- Smart, Sustainable Cities and Climate Change Management
- Smart Environments and Applications
- Smart Transportation, Connected Car and Automotive
- Emergency vehicle notification systems
- Automatic road enforcement
- Smart Traffic Light
- Smart Collision Avoidance
- IoT for Healthcare, e-Health,and Assisted Living
- Smart Cities
- Smart Home, Building Management and Operation Automation
- Smart Grid and Energy Management
- Big Data and Data Science
- Big Data Ecosystem
- Big Data theories and algorithms
- Big Data visualization
- Big Data mining
- Performance characterization, evaluation and optimization
- Sensor network, social network and big data
- Application of big data analytics
- Big Data in Business Processes
- Social big data analytics
- Data stream management and analytics
- Management of heterogeneous data
- Data Science and data management
- Machhine Learning for database systems
- Deep Learning and databases
- Data Visualization
- Cryptography and Blockchain
- Cryptography
- Authentication and authorization
- Biometric security
- Database security
- Cyber security
- Security & Privacy
- Distributed systems security
- Grid security
- Information hiding and watermarking
- Intrusion detection
- Network security
- Security for mobile computing
- Trusted computing
- Data and Network Security
- Cryptographic Applications for Networks
- Blockchain
- Blockchain 2.0 and 3.0 technologies (Internet of Value, Token Economy support, Smart Contracts management, DApps ...)
- Blockchain and databases